Lingerie Pack

Save by purchasing your usual contact lenses pack.

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Premium silicone half-yearly pack-Advance
Premium silicone half-yearly pack-Advance
€95 €79
Premium Silicona Premium-Advance, Medium Pack.
Premium Silicona Premium-Advance, Medium Pack.
€50 €42
Silicona easy-Advance half-yearly pack
Silicona easy-Advance half-yearly pack
€65 - 10% €58,50
Silicona Premium-advance half-yearly toric pack
Silicona Premium-advance half-yearly toric pack
€145 - 10% €130,50
Premium Silicona-Advance, medium, quarterly toric pack.
Premium Silicona-Advance, medium, quarterly toric pack.
€75 - 10% €67,50
Half-yearly RELAY Silicona Pemium Pack-Advance
Half-yearly RELAY Silicona Pemium Pack-Advance
€125 - 10% €112,50
Silicona Premium Multifocal Multiannual Pack-Advance
Silicona Premium Multifocal Multiannual Pack-Advance
€145 - 10% €130,50
Silicona easy-Advance half-yearly toric pack
Silicona easy-Advance half-yearly toric pack
€115 - 10% €103,50
Premium Silicona Premium-Bioare, Medium quarterly pack.
Premium Silicona Premium-Bioare, Medium quarterly pack.
€53 €45
Premium aqua sensitive silicone half-yearly pack
Premium aqua sensitive silicone half-yearly pack
Silicona Easy-Bioare half-yearly pack
Silicona Easy-Bioare half-yearly pack
€68 - 10% €61,20
Premium RELX Silicone half-yearly pack-Aqua Sensitive
Premium RELX Silicone half-yearly pack-Aqua Sensitive
€131 - 10% €117,90
Premium Silicona Premium Half-yearly Pack-Bioare
Premium Silicona Premium Half-yearly Pack-Bioare
€98 €82
Premium Silicone Pack-Aqua Sensitive, Medium.
Premium Silicone Pack-Aqua Sensitive, Medium.
€56 €48
Silicona easy semi-theoretical pack-Aqua Sensitive
Silicona easy semi-theoretical pack-Aqua Sensitive
€121 - 10% €108,90
Silicone Easy-Aqua Sensitive half-yearly pack
Silicone Easy-Aqua Sensitive half-yearly pack
€71 - 10% €63,90
Half-yearly RELAY Silicona Premium Pack-Bioare
Half-yearly RELAY Silicona Premium Pack-Bioare
€128 - 10% €115,20
Silicona Easy-Bioare half-yearly toric pack
Silicona Easy-Bioare half-yearly toric pack
€118 - 10% €106,20
Quarterly Silicona Premium-Aqua Sensitive, Medium Tonic Pack.
Quarterly Silicona Premium-Aqua Sensitive, Medium Tonic Pack.
€81 - 10% €72,90
Premium Silicona Premium semi-theoretical pack-Aqua Sensitive
Premium Silicona Premium semi-theoretical pack-Aqua Sensitive
€151 - 10% €135,90
Premium Silicona Premium Multifocal Semi-Annual Pack-Aqua Sensitive
Premium Silicona Premium Multifocal Semi-Annual Pack-Aqua Sensitive
€151 - 10% €135,90

Savings when buying contact lenses in packs

People using contact lenses know how much they make every time they have to renew them. Many are in a hurry to use their contact lenses and delay the purchase of new ones. This could seriously affect your eyes and even cause the onset of illnesses or illnesses.

At Multiópticas, we want our customers to take care of their eyes and use contact lenses without making a major financial effort. For this reason, we have different Mensuales packs available to all of them, which will save you when you purchase your new contact lenses.

Multioptician savings packs for contact lenses

Multilens contact lens savings packs provide you with your usual contact lenses at a much cheaper price.

We have half-yearly options with which you can have contact boxes for a total of six months. There are two boxes with six lenses each. Therefore, every month you can change contact lenses comfortably and without having to buy your new contact lenses. These packs are also usually accompanied by one or two maintenance liquids and a holder.

If you are interested in buying contact lenses for three months, it is also possible in Multiópticas. We offer you the option of purchasing quarterly packs with two boxes of three lenses each. The contact lenses and the holder will also be included in these packs.

All these lots are created to improve and promote both your needs and your finances.

Buy multilens lens savings packs

At Multiópticas we have different options so you can buy your contact lens savings packs.

Don't waste time any longer! Visit any of our physical stores or take a look at our online approach. We are sure that with our promotions you will be able to take care of your eyes and your pocket.