

Product number 45590735
99 €


Aún estás a tiempo de conseguir un 5% de dto. en tu pedido de lentillas ¡Suscríbete!

Anti-reflective lenses included


Sale: 2 Mó Sol x €69

With our 2x1, you can combine child and adult frames, or select two different designs .

* Promotion not applicable to Gstaad, Noren, Wildgo, Capsulas or solar clip glasses.

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Product Options

  • MOG_LenseTreatmentOptions Elimina los reflejos ayudándote a conseguir un mayor resultado estético. También repele la humedad y el polvo.
  • MOG_LenseBlueFilterConGraduacionOptions
  • MOG_LenseBlueFilterSinGraduacionOption MOG_LenseBlueFilterSinGraduacion
  • MOG_LenseIndexOptions
  • MOG_LenseTypeOptions Para graduaciones progresivas: gafas para ver de lejos, cerca y media distancia
  • MOG_GraduationOptions

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Additional Information

The MÓ MORRIS model is part of Legendary, a limited edition collection with all the luxury details. Inspired by the Victorian aesthetic of the nineteenth century in England, this capsule contains details reminiscent of jewellery and prints of the time. The MÓ MORRIS design is square and rounded at the bottom, a contemporary, timeless design. The metallic details are inspired by the technique of the very characteristic of the Victorian era. All models of this collection

Material: Acetate
Follow these tips for taking care of glasses

(Measurements indicated in millimetres)

Shop your prescription glasses conveniently. Choose the frame you like best, click on scale your lenses and select the treatment of your crystals. Later, before the payment process, you can enter your graduation, choose to send it later or, if you don't have your graduation, request an appointment in an optical.

Our glasses have a warranty in the event of material defects, manufacture or assembly of the item and its components. 3 More Info here

Free transfers from €50. Click & amp; free collection in your Multiópticas. Receive your order between 7-10 days. 9-11 if you are in the Canary Islands, and 7-10 in Ceuta and Melilla.

Prescription replacement glasses or glasses without graduation with blue stop filter are customised products that do not allow them to be returned for withdrawal. If the products are damaged or faulty, you can return them as reported in the help section